How to Setting SSH UDP Request

How to Configure SSH UDP Request

Configure SSH UDP Request can be utilized for specific internet tricks that require SSH UDP. Follow these steps to configure it. Here’s a guide on how to set up an SSH UDP Request.

Create SSH UDP

The first thing you have to do, of course, is to create a UDP SSH account. You can make it on the site or the link details below.



Choose the servers you want to create. Enter your username And password just like you would for a regular SSH setup.

Create SSH UDP

Successfully created UDP SSH account.

Your Account Details

Download SocksIP Tunnel

To set up UDP SSH, you’ll need an application called SocksIP Tunnel.

Download SocksIP Tunnel here.

How to Setting SSH UDP Request

Open the SocksIP application that you downloaded, then follow these steps to configure the settings:

Tap the gear icon.


Select UDP Reguest.



Enter the UDP SSH server details, including the username And password. Set the port to 65535, then save your settings.

UDP SSH Server, Enter the UDP SSH Username and Password

Tap back to the home menu on the application.

home menu on the application

Tap Start to Configure SSH UDP Request connect.

Your Account Details