Custom SSH UDP Settings Explained Step-by-Step Guide

SSHUDP.ONLINE Please follow the instructions to set up SSH UDP in order to use it for specific internet tricks. This article explains how to set Custom SSH UDP Settings .

Create SSH UDP

Naturally, the first thing you need to do is set up a UDP SSH account. You can use the link provided below or the website to make it.


Decide which servers you wish to build. Just like you would with a standard SSH, enter your username and password.

UDP SSH account created successfully.


Download HTTP Cutom

You need an application called HTTPCustom in order to implement UDP SSH.

Download link for HTTPCustom Play Store.

How to Custom SSH UDP Settings

Enter the udp ssh host, port, username, and password in the CustomHTTP application after opening it. Remember to look through the application’s UDP Custom section. Press the CONNECT button.

And continue to use 1-65535 for the port.

To view the outcomes, select the LOG tab. Should it succeed, it will resemble the picture below.

As indicated below, you can configure to maximize UDP connections.

UDP Tweak Settings can be selected.

Put in thirty, however there might be more.

Done: Custom SSH UDP Settings